Options study, piloting, tender support and more...
Key Points:
- Options– Full Options study completed
- Innovation– Lutra provided and ran an MBBR pilot plant
- Tender Support– Wrote tender documents & Support Process
Lutra were engaged to write a remedial action plan around nitrogen non-compliances for the Katikati WWTP in 2020. The Katikati WWTP is a 1,300 m3/d oxidation pond based WWTP with wetlands and UV disinfection. The remedial action plan identified the oxidation ponds were too small to effectively achieve the effluent TAN and TN requirements. An Options study identified MBBR as the most cost-effective solution across a 15-year NPV.
To aid in de-risking the project, Lutra pilot tested a two stage MBBR without alkalinity addition to ensure the treatment requirements could be met without sodium hydroxide addition.
The findings of the report were used to inform full scale preliminary design and costing. The design then moved towards the preparation of a 3916 contract and the reference design for the principal’s requirements of the 3916 contract. Lutra then supported WBOP DC through the tendering process. WBOP have since awarded the project to Apex Water, with Lutra Serving as the process design reviewers and technical support for this design and build project. The plant is expected to be completed by August 2025.